I have a friend, an amazing friend.  She’s in a battle fighting a life threatening health issue, one that I believe is “already” gone, in Jesus Name, no matter what it looks like!  This battle became personal to me not because she’s my friend, although I would go to the ends of the earth to fight for this girl, but because IT hit home.

IT being that terrible awful “c” word – cancer. I HATE CANCER!

Cancer is what officially took my mom home after battling Alzheimer’s for 12 years.  We had no knowledge that it was all through her body.  She couldn’t tell us anything and we had no clue or reason for the discovery until it was too late.  It was a shock and made me SO MAD! Did I say I HATE CANCER? If I think on it I get all emotional…was she in pain? ARG!


About a year after mom passed I became more and more interested in how to treat cancer naturally. At first I didn’t know why I wanted to learn more, no one close to me was battling this now, but God did. I started reading, and more reading, listening to video’s on what is out there on the health front. I’m SO not an expert, far from it, but I have learned that “c” can be treated without killing the body with the normal doctor prescribed protocols. No matter what way God directs in the treatment, it’s radical because cancer is devious.

God gives us wisdom when we need it and I believe we should use that wisdom to work WITH Him in the healing process for our living bodies. Cancer is no joke and you can’t ignore it and not do something. Part of the healing process is keeping the cells strong so they can battle what’s attacking them. That’s the part I’ve been digging into, so…I just tucked all that stuff away and kept going, that is until my friend was attacked. Oh no…not on my watch!!!

My purpose in writing this post is I want to go on record as saying that my my position for my friend IS BOTH physical AND spiritual.  I’m shooting as much of the physical info that I can to her for that piece of the battle she’s facing, but even MORE important, I’m taking a stand before God with all I have in me for her healing.

From God’s viewpoint, I’m royalty. I’m a daughter of the Most High, a queen like Esther was. BRAVE! Esther was a “for such a time as this” Queen, placed in a specific time in history to have the God-given courage to stand for her people at a time of crisis, when the enemy wanted to wipe them out.Esther

I’m standing in the “Court” of the Lord, hand outstretched touching the scepter asking for her rescue.

I’m not the only one either.  Oh no…just one of four friends, four “Queens” that are surrounding her right now.  You know who you are ladies. God’s given each of us a divine place for “such a time as this” and we’re not backing down. NO FEAR HERE!

The Picture

During our recent prayer time together, God gave me a picture and with the picture came this phrase, “once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen.” Huh, Lord? Narnia?

My mind opened and I saw four Queens standing on all four sides of my friend (she’s also a Queen, of course). Each one stood very tall, dressed in royal attire, much like Esther, crown and all. Each one was holding a different weapon: the healing oil, the sword and shield, the horn, and the bow and arrows. We Queens each had a specific weapon to fight with in our own God-given way. Surrounding us like armor for the battle is the breath of God (enter Aslan here…), giving us divine strength to stand and fight. The foundation of the throne room under us is the Rock, Jesus the Cornerstone.


This picture has become a reminder to me, like the priests in Israel wearing the sacred Scroll on their foreheads as a reminder of what God had done. 

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Deuteronomy 6:6-8

I want to remember this picture because God gave it to me as a promise. No matter what it looks like, He has spoken to my heart.

This IS our current position. We Queens are standing guard, BRAVELY fighting together, hand in hand.

Don’t mess with us.

There’s more to come…stay tuned for Part 2 and be BRAVE!

Hand in Hand Together